Sunday, January 18, 2009


I have this insane need to get other people's opinions on my scrapbook layouts. I'm not sure why that is. I've never had this need to put myself "out there" before. In fact, I have a Far Side comic hanging in my cube at work, that says it all. It shows a line of adventurers treking through the jungle. The first guy is hanging upside down from a trap he stepped in. The next in line says to guy #3 "See, that's why I don't walk in front." a a big part of my philosophy on life.

And yet, I need opinions on my layouts. So when I saw my local scrapbook store was having an online blog challenge, I jumped at the chance to enter. The challenge was to make a page that showed what you are thankful for, in honor of Thanksgiving.

Being a huge animal lover, and having adopted 3 new pets in 2008, I of course had to scrapbook my pets. Since I'm also newly married, I had to include the hubby. So in 2008, what I was thankful for was my new family, "My Sweeties."

The supplies used: The patterned and solid paper came from the DCWV's fall paper pack. The tiny maple leaf punchouts were from a punchout I purchased at Archiver's. Not sure who made that. The title I created on my PC with a desktop publisher. I printed it to scrapbooking sticker-type paper, and then cut it to the size I wanted.

The layout was made all the more special in that 2 weeks after I submitted the image, the grey cat in the picture died unexpectedly from cancer. It was an inadvertant memorial to my beautiful Chalimar.

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