Sunday, February 1, 2009

An Atypical Scrapper

What is a typical scrapper?

Before I started scrapbooking, it seemed to me that most people who were into scrapbooking, fit into the following categories:

Mom or Grandma
middle to late middle age

I never felt like I fit into any of those categories. Well, ok, I'm female, but that was about it. I'm not a mom, and consequently not a grandma. I'm not even sure I'm ever going to want to BE a mom. But that's another topic for a later time. I'm not stay-at-home in my profession. And I wasn't middle aged. It seemed like anytime someone mentioned scrapbooking, it was the "Mommy and Me" set. You know, the women who had tupperware parties all the time.

That's not me.

I now have to add middle age to the categories I fit, because my birthday last month kinda made that fact undeniable anymore. But other than that, I think I come off as an atypical scrapper. My topics of choice are activities with myself and my new husband, as well as our large brood of furry animals. If I make a layout that's baby or childhood themed, it's most definintely in reference to the pets. They are my babies, after all.

When I got started in scrapbooking, the person who gave me the biggest encouragement, was a good friend. She actually, fit the categories the same as I did. No kids, job outside the home, pets, hubby. Of course, she's pregnant now, so she's moving into the mom category. But at the time, she was just like me. I remember thinking, "well heck, if she can scrapbook, then I guess it's not exclusive to just moms and grandmas." That inspired me to take the plunge and try it out.

Am I atypical, though? I think so. But then, I just dropped alot of money to get myself a crafting desk. I also have a growing stash of scrapbooking supplies, as well as ideas. Maybe I'm not that atypical after all.


  1. Hey there Noelle when I started scrapbooking I was female and had a newborn...So, I guess I fit into 2 of the categories above....
    Go with your heart girl....Sometimes when people ask what I'm interested in or what I'm passionate about and I say scrapbooking they think I'm CRAZY....

    To bad for them because this is the best hobby and/or passion someone can have....
    Now, that I think about it some of the people that thought I was crazy now want me to make things for them...GO figure....
    Keep with it girl.....

  2. It's funny that is how you describe a typical scrapper - I don't know any scrappers who fall completely into that mold - my sister comes the closest but she has a full time job.
